Época Magazine Summer Issue 2020
Silver medal at Latin American Design Awards 2021;
Silver medal at Brazil Design Award 2020;
Selection of 14th ADG Brazilian Graphic Design Biennial 2024
Época is a major information weekly magazine in Brazil. The very first edition of the magazine in 2020 decided to give journalism a break. Época invited 23 prominent names from national literature to write fictions, poems and memories about summer holidays. The rather abstract content of the texts in contrast to the usual journalism took to the extreme Época design principles that the reader should be instigated, within a clean and objective graphic project, by strong, sharp and intelligent images with bold type. The magazine was designed with freedom using its regular grid and typographic codes. Artworks, collages, illustrations and graphic work are treated in a poetic way in order to translate to visuals some particular element of each story. Varied type solutions imposes a design rhythm and surprises the readers.
Editora Globo, 2020
assistant designer: Gustavo Amaral
época graphic project: Claudia Warrak and Raul Loureiro
20.2 × 26.6 cm