Dictionary of Cognates
selection of 26th international biennial of graphic design brno 2014;
selection of 10th adg brazilian graphic design biennial 2013
the Werkplaats Typografie/Isia Urbino international summer school workshop — which took place in Urbino, Italy — proposed to develop a project around the theme ‘language and its translation’. the project presented was the Dictionary of cognates, a booklet of visual comparisons between words from different languages that share the same etymological root. 22 comparisons were made using a system that transforms the proportions of the letters based on their order and frequency in a group of cognates.
International Summer School Werkplaats Typografie/Isia Urbino, 2012
tutors: Armand Mevis, Karel Martens, Leonardo Sonoli and Maureen mooren; co-authoship: Thiago Lacaz
29.7 × 42 cm