Women of Earth and Water

Mulheres de terra e água [Women of Earth and Water] presents a series of testimonials from women from different regions, ethnicities and skin tints — maroon, riparian, indigenous, and activist women. They are midwives, weavers, healers, cooks, planters, artisans, artists, masters of songs and dances, masters of life, healing and devotion, bearers of centuries-old techniques of making and labors. The artivist Hal Wildson was invited by the book’s organizer to create a portrait for each of the testimonials’ authors following his “Singularidades” [Singularities] series, distinguished by blending portraits with fingerprints. To constitute the cover design, the portraits were colored by an earthy palette and superimposed as if they were translucent, also recalling a watery state. Spread across the cover, these women seem to be part of a larger universe, representing a collectivity.

Elefante, 2022
cover portraits: Hal Wildson
13.5 × 21 cm

