The Gulag Archipelago

Gulag Archipelago is the masterpiece of the Russian Aleksandr Soljenítsyn (1918-2008), Nobel Prize for Literature, clandestinely written between 1958 and 1967. The author narrates the testimony of more than 200 survivors of the concentration camps of the Soviet dictatorship. The narrative is a memorialistic story and makes a philosophical, spiritual and political reflection while telling the history of the authoritarian undergrounds of the Russian Revolution. The cover design is an abstract arwork which has begun from the book idea of ​​subterranean and sewage systems, metaphors used by the author to describe the system of dumping millions of human lives into an archipelago of gulags. The graphic result is a kind of sun in reverse, or a black hole, a blot that grows on the vivid color. Letters with negative spacing seek to convey the idea of ​​suffocation and hopelessness.

Carambaia, 2020
print production: Lilia Góes
15 × 23.5 cm

